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Click here, if you want to change your Porsche ID.
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You can update your personal details, such as your email address and phone number, in your Porsche ID profile.
This article applies to all models
Click here, if you want to change your Porsche ID.
Please contact Porsche Customer Service (details below). We are happy to help you change your mobile phone number, so that you can complete your registration in My Porsche.
By default, all messages are sent to the email address you initially registered with. This is automatically also your Porsche ID. You can add an additional email address if you prefer to use a different one for communication. To do this, please log into your Porsche ID account, add an additional email address and select this as your preferred email address. Please select this as your preferred email address. Within the My Porsche app, navigate to Account > My Profile > Manage Profile > Edit profile to add an additional email address.
Click here if you want to change your Porsche ID.
If you have one or more cars in your Porsche ID profile with active Porsche Connect services, you won't be able to change your name for security reasons. Please contact Porsche Customer Service (details below) for support.
If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it yourself or opt for a passwordless login. Here are detailed instructions on how to do this.
Please contact Porsche Customer Service (details below) who can help you regain access to your My Porsche account.