What is the ScreenHits TV premium subscription voucher?
The ScreenHits TV premium subscription voucher is valid for three years and allows you access to ScreenHits TV for free. After the voucher expires you will need to extend your subscription to continue using ScreenHits TV. If you are already paying for ScreenHits TV, your private subscription will be overwritten after you redeem your voucher.
Please be aware that the free premium subscription vouchers are available only until 30.09.2025.
You can redeem your voucher in the My Porsche app.
Open your My Porsche app (Apple App Store/Google Play Store) (login required) Click on Vehicle DetailsClick on FunctionsClick on PCM ServicesSelect In-Car VideoClick on Redeem nowConfirm legal note You will then be forwarded to the ScreenHits TV website. Please follow the instructions here in order to proceed.