You can also set a departure timer which then precools or preheats your car to your preferred temperature.
Your car controls the heating and cooling process intelligently and based on demand, with no manual preselection required by you. For instance, on a sunny winter day, not every heating function, such as glass surfaces, is activated if unnecessary, to minimize energy loss. This also means it doesn't necessarily take 30 or 60 minutes, but only as long as needed to reach the desired temperature.
After the defined temperature has been reached the climatisation continues for another 10 minutes in case you arrive slightly later than your set departure time.
The timer can be set to start once (single timer) or at regular intervals (recurring timer).
Home > Climate > Precool/heat Tap Manage timers Activate Precool/heat for departure Tap on departure time Add a new departure (timer) by defining a date and time Activate the desired timer entry in the Timer menu by ticking the box